If you're still reading, we'll assume you know how Internet rumors work (and how some of them don't pan out). Because this is just what this is. A rumor.
It goes like this. Someone in Finland told someone not in Finland (but who has a blog) when the Nokia Lumia 900 and Lumia 719 will be announced. Oh, and also when Windows Phone Tango and Apollo are going to hit the streets.
So the someone not in Finland (but with a blog) did what any sane individual not in Finland (but with a blog) would do – took this information and posted it (where else?) on said blog. From there, it made its way into the mobile blogosphere ‘at large'. And here we are. So without further ado, here's what someone in Finland thinks about all the aforementioned release windows.
The Nokia Lumia 900 (basically the bigger version of the 800) and the previously unheard of Lumia 719 will be unveiled during CES in January. That's also when Windows Phone Tango will be announced. Existing WP devices will be updated to Tango in the following months. Tango will support LTE and smaller phones (with smaller screens).
Windows Phone Apollo (a.k.a. WP8) will be sent to manufacturers in June 2012. Devices running it will then start showing up after that. Nokia will announce multiple high-end offerings during Nokia Connection 2012, including a new camera flagship (which slightly contradicts past rumors that the new Nokia imaging flagship will still run Symbian). Since Windows 8 (the ‘desktop' OS) will also be out by then, Nokia will also unveil its first tablet (running Windows 8, of course) during Nokia Connection. We're thinking this Nokia Connection will be a Nokia World-type event, albeit sooner than usual.
Windows Phone Apollo will (finally) support dual-core processors. That said, by then every high-end Android will have four cores, so speclovers still won't be enchanted by WP. Apollo will also come with NFC, and larger displays (we're thinking that actually means higher resolutions than the rather old 800×480 which has so far been the standard in WP).
And… that's it. Remember, this comes from someone in Finland. Moreover, it comes from someone in Finland who claims he (or she) works for Nokia. So make of it what you wish.
Truth be told, the above is rather logical. If you had followed the mobile industry, as well as Nokia's and Microsoft's past announcements on these matters, you probably could have ‘leaked' such information too, even if you aren't in Finland. But you didn't. This guy (or gal) did. And now we've written about it.